Gay Manuel Antonio

Costa Rica's gay playground

Overview Costa Rica is on the leading edge of the gay rights movement in Central America, with the capital city of San Jose home to a fledgling gay bar and club scene. But nothing shows off this trend better than lovely Manuel Antonio, a coastal beach town that has become the Costa Rican version of Key West. Because Costa Rica remains a socially conservative, Catholic country, the LGBT communities here tend to be rather discreet, but not so in Manuel Antonio, where seeing boys holding hands o...


Explore what Manuel Antonio has to offer

This gay playground in the jungles of Costa Rica is an untouched gem

pura vida

This gay playground in the jungles of Costa Rica is an untouched gem

From Mexico to Mykonos, the world’s best gay beaches

From Mexico to Mykonos, the world’s best gay beaches

Top 10 destinations that celebrate marriage equality in the Caribbean and Latin America

Top 10 destinations that celebrate marriage equality in the Caribbean and Latin America

All Manuel Antonio Articles

Bars & Clubs

Barba Roja

Gaydies night every Thursday
Manuel Antonio

Republik Lounge

Popular late night dance entertainment

Disco Arco Iris

Largest Gay friendly disco in Quepos

Bambu Jam

Live music daily
Manuel Antonio


Ronny's Place

So hard to find, it must be good
Manuel Antonio

Cafe Milagro

Great breakfast
Manuel Antonio

La Luna Restaurant

Elegant food with fantastic view
Manuel Antonio

La Hacienda

Nuevo Latino, Mediterranean & Asian fusion
Manuel Antonio

Manuel Antonio Falafel Bar

A cozy Mediterranean spot where they whip up everything
Manuel Antonio

El Avion

Fantastic restaurant and bar in Manuel Antonio with a view
Manuel Antonio

Emilio's Cafe

Breath taking views for a delicious breakfast
Manuel Antonio

Agua Azul

Menu for all the cravings, with an open-air setting and a spectacular view
Manuel Antonio
All Manuel Antonio Restaurants


Hotel Villa Roca

The most popular gay hotel in Manuel Antonio
Manuel Antonio

Liquid Magic Surf Resort

Intimate, tropical splendor
Manuel Antonio

Coyaba Tropical

White sand beaches, tropical rainforests, vanilla dreams
Manuel Antonio

The Falls Resort at Manuel Antonio

Gay friendly hotel
Manuel Antonio

Hotel Villa Roca LGBTIQ

Tropical gay resort
Manuel Antonio

Casa Mono Congo

4 bedroom rental
Manuel Antonio

Los Altos Resort

Upscale boutique hotel
Manuel Antonio


High end boutique eco hotel
Manuel Antonio
All Manuel Antonio Hotels

Beaches & Parks

Playitas Beach

Local gay beach

Manuel Antonio Public Beach

Huge beach that welcomes everyone
Manuel Antonio

Playa Manuel Antonio

Costa Rica's ultimate beach party destination
Manuel Antonio

Espadilla Beach

Stylish hotel located just a few steps away from the seafront
Manuel Antonio

Biesanz Beach

Stunning beach with hilarious howler monkeys
All Manuel Antonio Beaches & Parks